The "Anubis Paranormal Research Organization", is dedicated to investigate in a scientific means, the probability of parapsychology and it's many fields.
If you are interested in just one topic or the complete certified classroom and field course, then here is your opportunity to participate in programs that will teach the correct and safe process of paranormal investigations.
Please click on the below forms and return via email to: "anubisparanoramlresearchorg@gmail.com".
This course is designed to give you a deeper insight into the world of paranormal investigation. If you are a skeptic, but possess an open mind, you will discover that paranormal investigation is similar to the process of forensic investigation. Essential characteristics of a paranormal investigation require a cautious approach backed up with scientific methodology.
The provided information will prepare you to establish yourself as a leading source when families are plagued by the possibility of ghosts, poltergeists or other haunting specters. We will study the different types of paranormal activities, a typical case study of a "Haunting", the essential investigating equipment, the investigating process and how to deal with the aftermath of an investigation. This course will also include a list of research centers, associations and web sites of interest to a potential or seasoned paranormal investigator.
Course Lessons
Lesson 1: Introduction to the Study of Paranormal Activities
In this lesson we will go over this growing scientific field, how paranormal activites are detected, terminology used, and further academic studies.
Lesson 2: A Haunting: A Typical Scenario
In this lesson, we'll cover what a haunting is, as well as the various types of hauntings you might face. We'll also look into the various degrees of a haunting and what you and the affected family should plan to do next.
Lesson 3: Investigating Essentials
This lesson will focus on four primary objectives: The initial phone call, Making an assessment, Interviewing witnesses and Identifying fraudulent claims.
Lesson 4: The Finer Art of Ghost-Busting
Throughout this lesson, we'll cover the basics of an on-site investigation, from signs to look out for; equipment to add to your tool box, as well as some commonly trusted procedures protocols for running a first-rate, professional investigation.
Lesson 5: What To Do If You Find Evidence of Paranormal Activities
This lesson will focus on deciding how to deal with the activity found, deciding whether you'll seek to communicate directly with the entities involved or do the job without interacting with them directly.
Lesson 6: Knowing When the Job Is Done
In this lesson, we will cover the particulars of follow-up visits, and also some preventative care tips to help eliminate the possibility of future manifestations.
The field of cryptozoology is considered a true science by some and by others it ranks somewhere in between UFOlogy and paranormal research. Our goal with this course is to provide students with the most accurate and factual information available, presenting it in an unbiased format so that students can decide for themselves if each cryptid (a creature of cryptozoology) is real, a myth, a hoax or a misidentified animal.
The course begins by introducing students to cryptozoology and examining the true definition of this interesting field of research. While many who are unfamiliar with the field may dismiss it as "ridiculous", there is a scientific basis for its merit, including the discovery and capture of animals that were once thought only to be of myth and legend, like the platypus, for instance.
Section two of the course focuses on the most popular cryptid of all time: Bigfoot. This huge, hair-covered creature has mystified mankind for centuries. Students will be able to read intriguing stories of sightings, see still photographs of evidence and read what experts have to say about Bigfoot's identity.
The third part of this course focuses on other famous cryptids, including the Loch Ness Monster, Chupacabras, Mokele-Mbembe or "living dinosaurs", and Thunderbird. Each has its own cult-like following of believers intent on proving that their beloved creature does indeed exist.
The last part of the course deals with cryptids that are specific to one area but whose stories have been sensationalized all across the nation. Whether it's the catchy name, like "Dover Demon" or the twilight zone-like stories, these cryptids are known worldwide and most locals are proud to live in their made-famous-by-a-cryptid town.
Lesson 1: What is Cryptozoology?
In this section, you will learn about cryptozoology, cryptids and the basis for their study. This will include learning about some of the many zoologically-recognized animals that were once cryptids.
Lesson 2: The Foundations of Cryptozoology
Given past findings, cryptozoologists believe that the search for cryptids is not only meaningful, but is one of the most fruitful paths toward zoological discovery.
Lesson 3: Famous Cryptozoologists
Here is a condensed list of some of most highly-regarded and dedicated researchers in cryptozoology.
Lesson 4: Existing Species That Were Once Cryptids
Here is a list of animals now classified in zoology that were once thought to be just myths and legends.
Lesson 5: Living Species Previously Thought to be Extinct
Here is a partial list of animals that prove that there may indeed be many more animals waiting to be brought out of "extinction".
Lesson 6: What Keeps Unnamed Species Hidden?
Many species may go unnoticed due to their environment and their biological makeup.
Lesson 7: Understanding Bigfoot
In this section, you will learn about the origin of Bigfoot and hear the stories that began the sensationalism that surrounds this creature today. The amount of sightings and evidence is massive, however, for this course we chose to focus on the information and science behind the myth.
Lesson 8: Bigfoot Evidence
While no researcher has produced any skeletal remains of Bigfoot, there has been an incredible amount of evidence collected that points to the existence of Bigfoot.
Lesson 9: Sightings: Tales or Truths?
The following lesson is a list of the most famous of Bigfoot sightings.
Lesson 10: Loch Ness Monster and Other Sea Serpents
This section focuses on some of the most interesting, and equally mysterious, cryptids. For each creature, you'll find information on its origin, as well as theories, sightings and evidence to help prove or disprove its existence.
Lesson 11: Chupacabras
This lesson discusses
blood-sucking creatures and the notorious Chupacabra.
Lesson 12: Mokele-Mbembe
While these creatures are thought to spend most of their time underwater, they have been reportedly seen lifting their heads and necks up, crossing swamps and even tramping through the rainforests.
Lesson 13: Thunderbird
While there have been
sightings of huge birds in various countries throughout the world, Thunderbirds are native to the United States.
Lesson 14: Mothman
While it seems almost every region across the world has its own "local legend", this section focuses on those that have the biggest following and who have received the most amount of media attention. One thing is for sure, each makes for an interesting lesson.
Lesson 15: Jersey Devil
The Jersey Devil is most often described as having the head of a horse, a long neck, skinny legs with hooves, and large bat-like wings.
Lesson 16: Dover Demon
Three teenagers in Dover, Massachusetts claimed to each have a separate encounter with a creature that would later be dubbed the Dover Demon.
Lesson 17:
Cryptozoology Websites
Additional Resources:
Is there intelligent life on other planets?
Have we been visited by aliens here on earth?
Are they walking amongst us?
What are the explanations for the saucers in the sky?
To date, no one has, or is willing, to give final proof or solid answers to any of these questions. The purpose behind this course is to help you keep your mind and eyes open. The big question is if there really is intelligent life out there, where is it? And what kind of evidence do we have today to prove it? With so many of the planets in our solar system seemingly too hot or cold, or proven to have no life of any type, our hope appears to be in other parts of the universe.
The Center for UFO Studies categorizes contacts as "close encounters" of the first, second or third kind: First encounters are objects or unexplained lights in space; second encounters are marked by the UFO having a type of physical effect on the Earth such as radioactivity or burn marks; and third encounters are reports of interactions between the witnesses and crew of an alien spaceship--often this relates to stories of "alien abductions".
Evidence that would convince most scientists of visitors from the sky is lacking, although there are stories about visual things in the sky since ancient times, and the idea still has appeal. There are fantastic stories--and yes, even some imaginative hoaxes! And there is even some compelling evidence to give credibility about the rumors the U.S. government actually possesses a crashed alien spaceship and alien bodies. Take this course and with the information provided, you'll be able to decide for yourself if there is a real phenomenon at work that warrants more scientific investigation; or perhaps you'll come to the conclusion that we are simply alone and unique in the universe.
The actual sightings of UFOs (unidentified flying objects) and interest in the paranormal are at an all time high. An insurmountable amount of evidence is available from many resources including eye witness accounts, photographs, paranormal studies, and pilots and aviation experts.
The goal of this course is to study some of these UFO phenomena around the world, present UFO Case Studies as accurately as possible, and encourage students to contemplate the idea that we have been visited from another planet by intelligent life.
The course provides documented material, videos and netlinks. The instructor will be reviewing your assignments and is available for questions. Take this course and with the information provided, you'll be able to decide for yourself if there is a real phenomenon at work that warrants more scientific investigation by people willing to share their information with the public.
Lesson 1: The UFO Controversy
What is a UFO and why is it such a controversy?
Lesson 2: The UFO Coverup
Are UFO sighting and evidence of intelligence life on other planets being covered up by world governments?
Lesson 3: UFO
Congressional Hearings
UFO Congressional Hearings, United Nations UFO Agency, Vatican Files/Blue Book Connection.
Lesson 4: UFO Case Histories
Let's investigate UFO case files throughout history and around the world.
Lesson 5: Roswell Incident and Area 51
Let's explore the myths and realities of the Roswell Incident and the legendary military base 'Area 51'.
Lesson 6: Crop Circles
Exploring the myths, facts, and outright hoaxes regarding 'crop circles'.
Lesson 7: UFO Abductions
The International Center for Abduction Research (ICAR) is an organization involved in investigating those who claim to have been abducted by aliens. ICAR provides accurate information to therapists and other individuals interested in abductions.
Lesson 8: UFO Sightings in Mexico and other Video Clips
In recent years, UFO sightings in Mexico are at an all-time high. Amateur videographers have captured hundreds of hours of unexplained UFO sightings.
Lesson 9: Additional UFO Resources
This course would be remiss if you weren't steered toward the enormous amount of UFO resources available on the Internet.
UFO's Over Denver ... You Decide!
Science of a Ghost
Creatures Known and Unknown
UFO Science and Planetary Realism
Conducting a Research Investigation and The Tools and Science Behind It.
Class Schedule
Ghost Tours begining in October, keep checking for more details.